Tuesday, January 7, 2014

2014 Get Fit Challenge Update

The Get Fit Challenge will begin Saturday January 11, 2014. In order to participate you should have emailed me at danceappealga@yahoo.com (with the subject line: GET FIT CHALLENGE) to register to participate. Before beginning the challenge make sure you have taken a full body picture of yourself and your starting weight (which you should have already attached in your email to me). Once you've done all these things, you are almost ready to begin.

Once I have received your email to register, you should receive an email inviting you to join MyFitnessPal. Once you fill in your information to create an account for yourself, you will be able to keep track of your calorie intake and daily physical activity. This is a great way to keep track of your progress. The great thing about MyFitnessPal is that you can also access and update your information from your cellular phone; making it even easier to do.

Challenge Rules
1. You must commit yourself to working out everyday (or 5 days / wk) for at least an hour
2. Use MyFitnessPal regularly to keep track of your progress (meals / workouts)
3. Take the Endurance Test (on your first day and every Saturday) and record your results
4. Weigh in every Saturday with your results for the week (including your Endurance Test results)
5. Make healthier meal choices
5. Drink lots of WATER

Like I've mentioned before, anything from jogging, walking, basketball, yoga, dance, jumping rope, riding a bike, mowing the lawn, skating, climbing, etc. are all physical activities that you can do to exercise; the choice is yours. Its up to you what type(s) of workout you will do. Remember, you will get out of it what you put into it so work hard and stay committed.

I will be posting more information in regards to the Get Fit test, Endurance test and Weekly weigh in as we go. I will also be posting some information on different exercises, nutritional info, etc. as we go so we can learn to live a healthier lifestyle. This month's challenge will end on Saturday February 1, 2014. Good Luck to all of you!!!

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