Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Hard work, Commitment & Determination gets Results!!!

Hello Everyone. Its been a while since I've posted. I've been very busy. I must say that I am super proud of myself. If you all remember at the beginning of the year (or the end of last) I made a list of goals I wanted to accomplish. On that list I had "get in shape, make working out a daily routine" and in fact I did. Not only do I work out regularly now but I've made a lifestyle change (including eating habits)

Friday, March 28, 2014


Here are some of my favorite scenes from the movie Step Up Revolution (2012). They have some real talented dancers, choreographers, creative directors, etc. If you haven't scene it yet, then you need to. I could not sit still; it makes you want to get up and dance. Let me show you what you've been missing!!! Click read more to see more....

Monday, March 10, 2014

Detox Water for Craving Control & Beautiful Skin

I plan on trying this detox too so I'd thought I'd share it with you. What you'll need is....

Mint Leaves

Natural Belly Slimming Detox Water

This is my first week drinking the Natural Belly Slimming Detox water and so far so good. My friends and I have been on a mission to slim down our mid sections by the summer. They started drinking this detox combination and because I drink water constantly throughout the day, I thought I'd try it. Especially if all I had to do was add a couple fruits and vegetables to my water for it to benefit my body. My friend forwarded me the ingredients and now I'm forwarding it to you.

What you'll need...

Mint Leaves

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Pipe Cleaner Curls

I love my Pipe Cleaner Curls. You can go from long to short in just hours. The hairstyle can last up to 3 weeks and maybe more. The good thing about it is that its a two-fer. Once you take the pipe cleaners out of your hair, you have another style you can rock for another week or two. Click read more to see more pictures.  

Friday, January 24, 2014


I was looking for different exercises that I could do to help me reach my fitness goals and came across some 30 Day Fitness Challenges that I would like to share with you. I found these challenges on www.30dayfitnesschallenges.com. They have everything from exercises to nutritional recipes. What I like about this site is that they have tutorials to show you how to do these exercises correctly. So here is the 30 Day Fitness Challenges top 10 fitness workouts of 2014. 

#1- 30 Day Plank Challenge 
#2 -30 Day Squat Challenge 
#3- 30 Day Abs Challenge 
#4- 30 Day Beach Body Challenge 
#5 -30 Day Arms Challenge 
#6 -30 Kettle Bell Challenge 
#7 -30 Day Crunch Challenge 
#8 -30 Day Push Up Challenge 
#9 - Cardio Workout Challenge 
#10 -30 Day Tricep Dip Challenge

Which one(s) will you do? Feel free to share. 
To view all the fitness challenges click the "Read more" button below.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

10 Best Slimming Foods

Losing weight can be hard to do. Especially when you are eating all the wrong foods. There are certain foods that promote satiety (the feeling of fullness that comes after you've eaten) more than others, which can help you eat less over the course of a day. According to Barbara Rolls, Ph. D., professor of nutrition at Penn State University and author of The Volumetrics Eating Plan, "When you're looking for foods that are going to keep you fuller longer, look for ones high in fiber, healthy fats and protein, or with a high water content." The 10 Best slimming foods are Peanuts, Soup, Fish, Bulgur, Salad, Apples, Eggs, Cauliflower, Lowfat Yogurt, Oatmeal, and Salad. To read more click on the link below: http://www.everydayhealth.com/diet-nutrition/weight-management/weight-loss-strategies/10-best-slimming-foods.aspx

Global Winter Wonderland

We had an amazing time at the Global Winter Wonderland in Atlanta GA at Turner Field on New Years Day 2014. A couple of friends and our kids went to this event which was a great deal for your buck. The only thing was it was freezing cold (the event doesn't start until 5 pm for obvious reasons) but I still enjoyed it... I will definitely be going next year as soon as they come out (hotter weather). They had all types of lights, rides with no lines, the Universoul Circus performers were there for entertainment and life size dinosaurs. I'm telling you, I felt like a kid again. I took some pictures but unfortunately my battery was dying and there was too much to take pictures of.  This event was great.... 

Tuesday, January 7, 2014

All Mohawked Out

2014 Get Fit Challenge Update

The Get Fit Challenge will begin Saturday January 11, 2014. In order to participate you should have emailed me at danceappealga@yahoo.com (with the subject line: GET FIT CHALLENGE) to register to participate. Before beginning the challenge make sure you have taken a full body picture of yourself and your starting weight (which you should have already attached in your email to me). Once you've done all these things, you are almost ready to begin.

Once I have received your email to register, you should receive an email inviting you to join MyFitnessPal. Once you fill in your information to create an account for yourself, you will be able to keep track of your calorie intake and daily physical activity. This is a great way to keep track of your progress. The great thing about MyFitnessPal is that you can also access and update your information from your cellular phone; making it even easier to do.

Challenge Rules
1. You must commit yourself to working out everyday (or 5 days / wk) for at least an hour
2. Use MyFitnessPal regularly to keep track of your progress (meals / workouts)
3. Take the Endurance Test (on your first day and every Saturday) and record your results
4. Weigh in every Saturday with your results for the week (including your Endurance Test results)
5. Make healthier meal choices
5. Drink lots of WATER

Like I've mentioned before, anything from jogging, walking, basketball, yoga, dance, jumping rope, riding a bike, mowing the lawn, skating, climbing, etc. are all physical activities that you can do to exercise; the choice is yours. Its up to you what type(s) of workout you will do. Remember, you will get out of it what you put into it so work hard and stay committed.

I will be posting more information in regards to the Get Fit test, Endurance test and Weekly weigh in as we go. I will also be posting some information on different exercises, nutritional info, etc. as we go so we can learn to live a healthier lifestyle. This month's challenge will end on Saturday February 1, 2014. Good Luck to all of you!!!

Friday, January 3, 2014

Amazing Sidewalk 3-D Art

These artists that create Sidewalk 3-D Art are very talented, creative and innovative. It takes a real imagination to come up with these visions or ideas that transformed into a work of art. Depending on your point of view, these images can fool the average eye and will catch your attention. You wouldn't catch me walking in the middle of that street (directly below)... LOL!!! Check them out, let me know what you think.