Monday, December 30, 2013

A Passion for Fashion

I finally did it... I mean its been YEARS. I've been sketching out designs of clothing, shoes, pocket books, etc. for years starting in grade school. I've even began courses in college for Fashion Design but decided to change my major to something more general (like Business). Although I made that change years ago, I still have passion for fashion & designing. It is for that reason that I've decided to start designing and wearing some of my own clothes. For one, it's addicting. Once I start an outfit, I can't stop. After sewing up the first outfit this year, I noticed how much of a benefit it can be to know how to make your own clothes.

1. You can make your clothes custom fit to your body; hiding any imperfections you may see.
2. You'll be unique; I can guarantee that no one will be rocking your outfit-it's one of a kind.
3. You save money; I spent $5 on one yard of fabric and used it to make a dress for work, which would probably cost me between $20-$40 dollars retail.
4. If you're real good, you can turn this from a hobby to a career...You never know where it can take you.

I'm doing it because I enjoy it. Especially when it goes from a drawing, into reality and I can actually wear it. There's no feeling like seeing the end result of something you've spent your time and energy working on.

Fully Loaded Baked Potato Soup

Fully Loaded Baked Potato Soup is my favorite soup from Chili's so you know I had to find some recipes and learn how to make it. Usually when I make it, the soup will last me a couple of days. I did not add chives this time but either way it turned out great. If you try it, let me know how it turned out.

Wooden Car Craft

This weekend me and my son Christian put together and painted some wooden cars I brought him for Christmas. It was fun and easy to do AND my son can play with them afterwards so that's a plus. It was a craft that I brought from Walmart for less than $15. It came with 3 sets of cars that you have to assemble yourself and don't worry its nothing hard or confusing; very easy to do. All we needed was the glue and it came with everything else (All wooden parts, paint, 2 brushes, stickers, & sand paper). I just love crafts, especially with my little man; we get to bond and be creative. 

Countdown to New Years 2014!!!

I've had some very good times and some very sad times in 2013. It's been a VERY hard year for me. I lost my mom this year and boy do I miss her.Life is such a delicate state, it can be taken away from you at any time. We only have one life to live so LIVE it in a way that makes YOU happy. Don't worry about the small stuff; Life is Too Short.

It's about to be a New Year full of new challenges, new goals and possibly a New You. I mean, why not reach those goals that you've set for yourself but never really accomplished? Why not become a better you? You'll turn out surprising yourself because you didn't know you actually had it in you!

How about this.... Challenge yourself. Write down some things that you would like to improve about yourself; like working out, losing weight, attending Sunday Morning services, going back to school, saving money, etc. Now that you've written them down, you know what goals you are working towards so you have a better understanding of what needs to be done to attain those goals. Check them off as you go to see your progress; believe it or not, it will make you feel good.

Monday, December 23, 2013

Designed by JLV

Today is my first day wearing one of the pieces of clothing I've designed to work. Me and my co-worker have been talking about designing our own clothes at the beginning of this year. We set out a goal to wear our own designs by the end of this year, and today we did and boy does it feel great. I mean, I've already created some clothing this year but today is the first time I've actually wore it... (Most of the clothing I've made is more-so business attire for work/church and since its the end of the year we're able to dress down till next year... so you know I'm going to take full advantage of that BUT I will definitely be rocking them first thing next year). You know what, I think I'll wear one of those designs to watch night service this year at church. That'll be a great way to bring in the New Year. Either way, I'm excited about it.... Can't wait to see how I progress this upcoming New Year!!!

Chessy Chicken Casserole

Here is another great recipe I tried this weekend. It was delicious and took no time to cook. I was going to try and experiment by adding a vegetable of my choice (like broccoli or peas) but I wanted to taste the recipe without first, but that's another way to change it up a bit. It serves 8-10 people. Check it out... Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Barbie got SWAG

      Let's talk Barbie....I am so intrigued by the evolution of Barbie. Growing up me and my sister played for hours on hours with our babies. My mother even allowed us to use our entire basement as our "Barbie World". We had everything you could think of; from McDonald s, a grocery store, dentist office, community pool, and much more. She really hooked us up with Barbie everything... BEST MOM EVER. We had all kinds of Barbies; African American, Caucasian, men and women. 

     Now Barbie is on a whole new level. Most of the Barbies found below are very unique in their own way; they all have their own facial features, skin color, hair types, nationalities, etc.
Fashion wise-Barbie is on it; very stylish clothing and accessories! Some of the Barbies below look more realistic than others (so don't forget while looking at the pictures because I had to double check some to make sure it was a Barbie as described). Closer to the bottom I have posted some celebrity Barbies as well (Janet Jackson, J-Lo, Destiny Child, Rihanna, Beyonce, Tyra Banks, TLC, Halle Berry, Christina Aguilera, Cher, and more. Check them out and tell me what you think. 


Monday, December 16, 2013

All Fired Up!!!

My department at work attended All Fired Up as a team outing this year and last year and both times were a BLAST!!! As you know, I love to have fun and be creative so we were definitely in the right place. All Fired Up allows you to come in with your group (of friends, co-workers, family, etc), you can bring food and drinks, even wine.You pick whatever it is that you want to paint (from mugs, plates, cars, banks, etc.) and tap into your creative side. The only thing you pay for is the artwork that you choose to paint which ranges anywhere from $5 and up and they have a wide range of things to choose from. I really enjoyed myself and will be going back to take my 6 year old son. I can't wait to show him what I made for him (Spiderman). Tell me what you guys think. Click on Read More to see all of our pieces of art.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Meatball Sub Casserole

I made a Meatball Sub Casserole tonight for dinner and this weekend. I do not have a lot of time this weekend to spend on cooking meals so I decided to make this. I love this dish. Easy and quick to make and my tummy loves it- most importantly. Try it and let me know what you think...

Friday, December 13, 2013

2014 "Get Fit" Challenge

I am challenging you to a Get Fit Challenge. This contest begins Saturday January 11, 2014. The goal is to become healthier, make working out a habit, and reaching our fitness goals. Myself and others who participate are here to help support, and motivate you to stay committed to reaching your goals. In order to participate you MUST...

1. Take a full body picture of yourself before beginning so you can track your results
2. Take your starting weight
3. Try to workout everyday (or 5 days / wk) for at least an hour
4. Record your daily workouts (type of work out, amount of time spent doing each workout, etc.)
5. Keep track of what you are eating (make healthier choices)

Making healthier choices, drinking more water, cutting back on your sugars, breads, etc., working out and being more active are some ways that will help you achieve your fitness goals. Anything from jogging, walking, basketball, yoga, dance, jumping/jump rope, riding a bike, skating, climbing, etc are some of many activities you can do to exercise your muscles. It's up to you which workout you do.  Remember you will get out of it, what you put into it. So work hard and stay committed.

At the end of the month we will take another picture to compare to the picture you took before beginning the contest. Every month we will vote to see who had the most dramatic results. Imagine we've been committed to working out and eating healthier for 12 months straight- I can't wait. You can don't have to do it alone, lets do it together.

To sign up, email me at and put in the subject line GET FIT CHALLENGE. Make sure to include your name, fitness goal, what state you reside in, an email address &/or phone # to contact you at, and please also attach your full body image (your before picture). We will not be doing anything with the pictures until we are ready to compare your before and after pictures to see your progress. I look forward to seeing all our results. Just think, every month we'll be one step closer to our fitness goals.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Bacon-Cheese Pull-Aparts Recipe

InspiredByJay: RECIPES: Bacon-Cheese Pull-Aparts This is a great breakfast casserole that is easy and fast to make; the kind of recipe I love. It takes about 15 minutes to prepare and another 30 minutes to bake in the oven. Its a great meal on the go and I love, love. love it. Here's the recipe. Try it and tell me what you think.

Thursday, December 5, 2013


Hello Everyone. My name is Jessica and I would like to welcome you to my blog InspiredByJay. My purpose of this blog is to inspire and motivate others to try new things, be creative, and think outside the box.  Join me as I document and explore my creative side (hair, recipes, fashion, dance, arts & crafts). Don't be shy!!! Leave a comment- tell me what you think. I look forward to hearing your feedback.